Ebenezer Scrooge, A Christmas Carol

LONDON — If life imitates art, a vandal in the English countryside may be haunted by The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Scrooge Returns to Orlando Shakes this Christmas, with the new production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol.
A new holiday movie with deep Oklahoma ties, Ebenezer the Traveler, offers a unique sequel to A Christmas Carol by exploring ...
Ebenezer sits down for a chat about the ghosts, goods and fun of Crescent City Stage's production of 'A Christmas Carol.' ...
As Scrooge, Christopher Donahue is remarkable, moving from malevolent to benevolent in an epic arc that spans the emotional ...
“A Christmas Carol” never dies. Like its protagonist Ebenezer Scrooge, it can change and grow and gain another lease on ...