Erzsébet Némedi will be our speaker at the following event: ...
The number of Hungarians seeking medical help with acute respiratory infections (ARI), including influenza-like symptoms has ...
From the beginning of December, free Covid vaccines will be available at GPs and children will be able to get the vaccine at ...
Fifteen years of a true celebration of the Hungarian real estate industry! The most important real estate results and performances of the year Company round tables, standing reception, and networking ...
Cost efficiency, speed, accuracy, and workforce optimisation are among the most critical tasks for everyone. Technological innovations, digitalisation and robotisation, cutting-edge manufacturing, ...
He started his career as an economic planner at the Ministry of National Economy, then worked as an economic analyst and later as a modeller at the Hungarian National Bank. Later, he was Chief ...
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Tibor Gaál is the founder and co-owner of the Phlegon Group, a group of companies active in the energy market. He is an economist and commercial specialist, who graduated from the College of Commerce ...
Jóváhagyta szerda este a lengyel parlamenti felsÅ‘ház (szenátus) a lakossági energiaárak befagyasztásáról szóló, elÅ‘zÅ‘leg az ...
Az olasz és a magyar kormányfÅ‘ az illegális migráció elleni fellépés jelentÅ‘ségét hangsúlyozta római találkozóján - olvasható ...
Idén is díjazta a Portfolio Csoport a legsikeresebb és legkiemelkedÅ‘bb agrárgazdasági szereplÅ‘ket, és az év legfontosabb ...
Ukrajna a háború alatt nem erÅ‘lteti a NATO-tagságot, figyelembe véve az egyes tagállamok álláspontját, ugyanakkor a ...