Second Genesis follows planetary scientist Carolyn Porco as she explores what it takes to look for life beyond Earth, and what conditions are required for life to exist. Porco makes the case that ...
If you’re looking for holiday gift ideas, here are some excellent new paperbacks on the Bible that would make great stocking ...
The Lance of Longinus, also known as the Holy Lance, is the relic that pierced the side of Christ at the Crucifixion in the ...
Only Republican members of the education board voted for it. All Democratic members and three Republicans opposed it.
Texas schools will not be required to use "BlueBonnet" curriculum, which includes lessons from the books of Genesis and ...
Texas public schools could use teachings from the Bible in lessons as an option for students from kindergarten through fifth ...
In Genesis 2, some people think that the story ... highpoint of creation Fundamentalist Christians believe that as the Bible comes directly from God, everything in it must be the exact truth.